Roadmap to Distributed Generation: Innovative Tools for CHP Adoption

Sam Witty, Gita Subramony, ERS, presented at ACEEE Summer Study

Combined heat and power (CHP) is becoming an important strategy to help buildings reduce energy costs and increase resiliency while achieving greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions on a system-wide level. NYSERDA’s CHP Acceleration Program assists New York customers with installing CHP by offering a catalog of vetted systems in the small to medium size range. The outreach contractor for the program has been tasked with acquiring participants and assisting multifamily buildings, hospitals, nursing homes, and hotels with realizing the benefits of CHP as well as navigating the complex installation process. Unlike other programs, which often include a variety of technologies, the CHP Acceleration Program provides an incentive for a single technology, which is only viable when significant coincident electric and heat loads are present.

In order to achieve wide-spread CHP adoption, the contractor has developed a comprehensive data-driven market assessment tool, based on building loads and geography, to identify buildings in New York City that would make ideal candidates for CHP. The tool provides information on key decision-makers at those buildings in order to facilitate program outreach. It also includes a preliminary screening analysis that simulates the energy and economic impacts of CHP installations of varying sizes on building loads and operating costs. The tool allows the team to engage in targeted outreach and to quickly screen buildings for CHP potential taking into account n+1 configurations, energy prices, and other factors.

This paper describes the methodology for the tools and initial successes with their use through the NYSERDA program.

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