Q-Sync Motors Benefit Consumers and Utilities

Bryan Kilgore, ERS, for Zondits QM Power’s advanced new Q-Sync motor provides improved efficiency versus shaded-pole and electronically commutated (EC) motors. Not only do Q-Sync motors benefit businesses through energy and demand savings, but they also benefit the utilities at the source by reducing apparent power (total power delivered from the grid) through power factor … Read more

Investigating the Incremental Costs of Ten Emerging Technologies

Valerie Eacret, ERS, for Zondits ERS recently partnered with the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) to investigate the incremental costs of ten emerging technologies. The study includes full and incremental costs, as well as considerable, relevant technical information. Multiple research methods were used for each technology, including market actor interviews, web research, project invoice review, … Read more

QM Power Exhibits Innovation in Electric Motors

QM Power

KC company’s revolutionary electric motor: 50% more efficient Kansas City Business Journal, March 21, 2016. Image credit: QM Power Kansas City-based QM Power has developed the most significant innovation in electric motors in 50 years, creating a level of energy efficiency the company expects will revolutionize the market. QM Power’s new Q-Sync Smart Synchronous Motor … Read more